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Our IT staff keeps us on track

Today is National  IT Professionals Day, and we want to take a moment to recognize the people here at the OIC who keep our systems running so we can accomplish our mission of protecting consumers and regulating insurers.
Some of the OIC's stellar IT staff 

Here are some the ways our IT staff help us protect consumers and regulate the insurance industry:

  • Consumers can file online complaints against insurance companies, agents and brokers, and get help from our consumer advocates. 
  • Insurance agents and brokers can apply for or renew their licenses online. 
  • Insurance companies can pay their premium taxes online, which goes to the state's general fund to pay for state government operations. 
  • Insurance companies file their rates electronically to use for review. 
  • And, of course, our IT folks keep our computers up and running so we can do our work every day. 
You can find all of those online services on our website,

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